On Wednesday the 4th of November 2015, Fernando Burgo, Istituto di Moda Burgo Milan founder and director visited Brusque (Brazil) for Istituto di Moda Burgo Brasil inauguration.
Daniela Colzani, Italo Brazilian young stylist, was born in 1983 in Itajai, Santa Catarina in Brasil. She studied Fashion Design at the famous “Universidade Do Vale Do Itajai” in Santa Catarina where, in 2006, she graduated with honors. In 2008 she moved to the capital of fashion, Milan. Here she attended courses at Istituto di Moda Burgo, the renowned International Fashion School in the heart of the city and she graduated in Fashion Design in 2010. In Milan she participates in many competitions obtaining prestigious awards. Her success allow her to see her dream comes true: in 2015 she founds ” Istituto di Moda Burgo Brasil”, in Brusque in the state of Santa Catarina. During his stay in Brusque the Director Fernando Burgo, met the highest institutional charges of the city, the Chief of the Board and the Mayor of the City. Immediately after his arrival, he gave an interview to a popular Brazilian magazine “Revista Donna” and he visited AMPE (Association of Small Businesses in Brusque). On Friday the 6th of November he visited “Istituto di Moda Burgo Brasil” where all anxious waited for him for the inauguration of the new Institute. Here he has been interviewed by the students, by the TV of Brusque and Rádio Cidad, famous throughout Brazil. In the days after he participated to an important meeting with the Directors of ACIBr (Business Association of Brusque) together with Daniela Colzani. The brasilian Institute goal is to become a benchmark in the field of training, providing an highly professional preparation with the program and textbooks of Istituto di Moda Burgo Milan.
Take a look at the brand new website of the Istituto di Moda Burgo Brasil clicking here
and follow the official facebook page clicking here